Wednesday Wonders: Playing Hooky
{photo by Redd Angelo} Here’s a quick, gratifying story shared by Track A parent Jeannett Gibson. Jeannett and her husband Andy are in their third year at SLOCA and have 3
{photo by Redd Angelo} Here’s a quick, gratifying story shared by Track A parent Jeannett Gibson. Jeannett and her husband Andy are in their third year at SLOCA and have 3
{photos by Bambi Banys} Sure, it sounds grand to travel during the not-so-touristy times of the year, but it can be challenging to go on a vacation once school has
{staff photo by Cameron Ingalls} This week we’d like to introduce you to SLOCA’s Lead Team, our intrepid leaders who guide the ship and work continually to keep our school thriving.
Today we want to share a bit about one of the ways we cultivate community up at our high school: the house system! If you’ve heard of this and don’t
{staff photo by Cameron Ingalls} Our high school teachers are the next group up! We absolutely love our high school and these teachers are a big part of the reason why.
{photo by Joy Newman} Last week the Life Together column in the update was written by one of our SLOCA grandparents, Sandee Beckers. If you didn’t get a chance to
{staff photo by Cameron Ingalls} We have passed the halfway point in our Team SLOCA Friday Faves blog series! Are you ready to meet our Lower Middle School (LMS) and Upper
{photo by Pam Gerhardt} “Of the things that followed I cannot at all say whether they were what men call real or what men call dream. And for all I
“Kindness is the golden chain by which society is bound together.” ~ Goethe It's a new month, so that means a new character trait book list! As you may recall,
{staff photo by Cameron Ingalls} Welcome back to another “episode” of Friday Faves – we are moving right along in this series where we introduce our SLOCA staff members. This week
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San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.