Character Counts
Then in October 2020, I found my saving grace. It was 8 students at SLOCA middle school. -Cara Wasden At SLOCA, character is at the core of what we do.
Then in October 2020, I found my saving grace. It was 8 students at SLOCA middle school. -Cara Wasden At SLOCA, character is at the core of what we do.
Happy Wednesday! Have you ever wondered what a day in the life of a SLOCA staff looks like? Well, today we have an extra special A Day in the Life
Kids love to show off their school! Every year SLOCA hosts Not Just For Dad’s Day and invites parents to share a piece of their children’s educational experience. This fun
Welcome to another Friday Faces! It sure takes a lot of people to make SLOCA, well, SLOCA. We have quite a sizable team of people that do a variety of
Happy Friday and welcome to the last day of January!!! Our Friday Faces posts are winding down and we only have a few more remaining in our series for this
Another week has flown by. Can you believe next week is the last week of January already? Speaking of next week — Monday night is our required Family Business Meeting. Don’t
Hello and welcome to another Friday Faces. Today we are highlighting our LMS and UMS staff. In case you are not up on all your SLOCA acronyms, LMS stands for
Congratulations! You did it! You made it through the first week back to school after a break. Was this week a struggle for you and your family or was it
Congratulations, you made it! We are officially on winter break. What do these three weeks have in store for you? Perhaps catching up on some Down Home Blog posts? Well,
Can you believe it? The holidays are upon us! Have you been by The Den bookstore yet to peruse all the giftable items? One thing you can’t get from shopping
165 Grand Ave.
San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.