tech topic #3: Sleep Deprivation
Digital media can be a source of education or ignorance, connection or isolation, growth or depletion. We want to continue the conversation about technology use between students, parents, and teachers
Digital media can be a source of education or ignorance, connection or isolation, growth or depletion. We want to continue the conversation about technology use between students, parents, and teachers
Digital media can be a source of education or ignorance, connection or isolation, growth or depletion. We want to continue the conversation about technology use between students, parents, and teachers
Digital media can be a source of education or ignorance, connection or isolation, growth or depletion. We want to continue the conversation about technology use between students, parents, and teachers
165 Grand Ave.
San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.