For full details, click HERE or register below! THIS EVENT IS SOLD OUT!
8:50a: Check-in Opens
9-noon: MOC (My Own Creation) + Imagination Play Station + AFOL (Adult Fan of LEGOS) (SOLD OUT!)
9-10a: Team Build: Castle — story tale-based build (SOLD OUT!)
10-10:30a: MOC Walk (gallery walk) — prizes given
9:15-10:15a: LEGO Workshop (Guided Build) — take home your creation (SOLD OUT!)
11a: Food available (TBD)
10:30-11:30a: Show Stopper (Individual Build) — bring stuff from home and build in an hour (SOLD OUT!)
11:30-12:30 MOC Walk (gallery walk) — prizes given
Thank you to our sponsors: SDG + Ashley Vance + Premier Valley Bank + Bank of the Sierra