In our quest together for the good, the true and the beautiful, we long to grow, do better, make sense of our world and for how to move forward. This year has been packed—American history, elections, unrest—some may even feel moved towards deeper reflection upon ethnic divides in our own lives, culture, nation, world, both now and in history. As a classical school, we have timeless tools to think about modern culture carefully. Or do we? Is classical education outdated? Let’s find out!
To answer the call to this moment we are providing a deeply enriching opportunity to dig deep into who we are as a classical school. We will explore complicated questions with several highly qualified and dynamic classical scholars in an upcoming mini retreat. We’ll look at multiple understandings of the purpose of education while also addressing timeless themes such as freedom, oppression, democracy and citizenship. We invite you to consider how your own story intersects with the greater story of history, and how this moment in time connects us back to the very history we’re digging into this year and in years to come.
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