During our Heroic Quest, Track B students (grades 1-8) make “thank you” notes after class to Veterans/Wilshire Hospice clients. Bring your student to the Lo-Fi Lounge after school (2:35-3:30 pm) to make cards together!
During our Heroic Quest, Track B students (grades 1-8) make “thank you” notes after class to Veterans/Wilshire Hospice clients. Bring your student to the Lo-Fi Lounge after school (2:35-3:30 pm) to make cards together!
During our Heroic Quest, Track B students (grades 1-8) make “thank you” notes after class to Veterans/Wilshire Hospice clients. Bring your student to the Lo-Fi Lounge after school (2:35-3:30 pm) to make cards together!
165 Grand Ave.
San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.