LISA WALLACE - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy


Intermediate Teacher

Lisa Wallace was raised in Santa Ana, that California city famed for it’s gusty winds. The winds blew Lisa to Long Beach State to begin her college days as a Spanish major, to the University of La Verne for her B.A. in Liberal Arts and a Teaching Credential, and eventually to the North County of SLO. Here she settled into the work of raising and homeschooling her four boys, which she declares is where most of her education truly took place. “The day our first son was born” she says, is when her love of learning was ignited. “That overwhelming realization that there was so much to teach him - about life, history, where we fit into the big picture. I spent countless hours reading to and nurturing my babies. It built a great desire within me to learn even more.” After her boys were grown, she didn’t feel like she was done teaching, so Lisa came to SLOCA in February 2011 because “it fit so well with the way I homeschooled my own boys - the integrated subjects, history as literature, and of the reading so many great books.” She initially came just to teach Intermediate core, and has since bounced to High School Spanish and Intermediate science, then back to teaching Intermediate core and science. When she’s not at school, Lisa can be found playing with the grandboys (“did I mention I have 4 sons and 5 grandsons - no girls?!”), hanging with her hubby outside in nature, hiking, walking on the beach, biking, caring for animals. In other words - as far away from cooking and housework as possible! Of her next learning endeavor, Lisa says “I keep telling myself I will conquer speaking French, since 2 of our grandies use French as their primary language.”