A Day in the Life: The McCabe Family - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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A Day in the Life: The McCabe Family

{photos by Cheryl McCabe)

It’s time once more for another Day in the Life! This time Cheryl McCabe from Track B shares one of her days with us. She’ll introduce everyone:

Hello everyone! We are the McCabe family. Together, we are: Will and Cheryl plus our 3 boys…Aidan (Intermediate), Owyn (Primary) and Quinlan (the 3-year old). This is our 4th year living the SLOCA life. We feel absolutely blessed and honored to be part of such an incredible school and community! Below is a sample of one of our home days. This particular week, Will is traveling for work so you get a peek into what it is like when I have to fly solo. 

I typically start preparing as soon as the teachers email the grids. So before the weekend starts, I print and read those grids and also take the time to prepare our WorkBoxes. I know that might be shocking to some of you but my family is way better off if mom is fully prepared (I blame the OCD!). This way, I don’t have to think about it over the weekend and all I need to do come Sunday evening is re-read the grid! Also, I try to get to bed at a decent hour, ideally asleep by 10:30, but you and I both know how that goes wink

So here is a typical Monday for us…

4:30 am

my alarm goes off 


husband is off to the airport


I’m finally up, and I begin my quiet time to prepare my heart and mind for the day




open up the house, put away any dishes from the night before and get breakfast going


boys are up, help get them and their rooms ready, Quinlan fusses because he wants to eat right away of course


eat breakfast, family prayer time and plan out our day


I clean up while the boys play


school starts for my middle son (he resists at first, so we adjust attitudes then begin with recitation and math); oldest and the littlest work on pegs 


snack break (yes, it’s only been a little over an hour since breakfast)


back to school room with the middle boy (language arts); the other two play with recorders and Legos 


switch boys. oldest starts his recitation and math while middle son plays with littlest


snack break (yep. they’re eating. again!), in the meantime, I get distracted by a phone call


back to school; boys struggle to focus (I shouldn’t have taken that phone call!). I start to stress knowing we have to leave for swim in a few hours. I do my best not to look at the clock!


middle son gets a time-out for mistreating his little brother; I re-direct the tiny one

12:05 pm

back to school (finish-up spelling and grammar); the tiny one is making a fort in the living room using our couch cushions 


prepare boys’ lunch (I eat mine as I prepare theirs); all 3 boys are now playing in the fort and pillows from their rooms have been added to the pile of cushions (my entire living room is in total chaos). again, I try not to stress and instead open up my gratitude journal that sits right on my kitchen counter and force myself to write what I was thankful for from that morning (I feel the stress level go down a bit)


boys eat lunch while I read Beowulf out loud


meal clean-up, boys play then I ask them to fix the cushions so we have a place to sit for more of our read-aloud time


littlest goes down for a nap; I pause to take a few deep breaths and re-read a couple entries from my gratitude journal (this greatly changes my perspective for what else I have left in my day!)


house is way quieter (WOOT!), we finish up literature assignments and start history read-alouds (I can’t stop yawning and struggle to keep awake but we get through Story of the World and start Story of Europe)


get ready for swim lessons at 3. I realize we need to leave Morro Bay a little early 

because the car needs gas 


wake a very sleepy 3-year old and leave house


swim lessons in Grover Beach


weekly visit to Great Grammy in Arroyo Grande, boys recite their poems to her


back to school (finish up Story of Europe and work on my 3rd grader’s first History narrative)


finally done with school (yay!); thankful tonight is ‘leftover’ night and I warm-up dinner


eat dinner while we FaceTime with dad and share about our day


meal clean-up, I prepare backpacks and workboxes for the next home day while the boys get re-energized from dinner so they wrestle and chase each other with lightsabers.


showers and baths


littlest goes down for the night. older two beg to play a board game but I’m tired at this point and tell them no. they keep asking, I say no again and we play this round a couple more times until I finally succumb to the badgering. 


big boys head downstairs for bed, we read The Hobbit for a bit (still finishing this from summer!), talk about our day, pray together and I close the door


a boy (or two) sneak back upstairs because they’re thirsty. we all walk back down and say our goodnights. again. 


I head back upstairs, prepare lunches for the boys and pack what I need for Tuesday since we stay in SLO all day. 


catch-up on emails, I get distracted on the internet


wrap up on the computer realizing I need to get ready for bed soon if I actually want to get up when my alarm goes off


re-check all the doors and windows to make sure they are really locked


finally in bed with Read Aloud Handbook on my lap (still finishing this one too from this summer!) 


lights out

It was a full and long day. The boys resisted doing work a couple of times. And I may or may not have shouted during those times. smile But overall, it was a good day. It ended up being a great week. Grace is always there and we get in our groove even though Dad is gone, attitudes always get re-adjusted, hearts always reconciled and as difficult and challenging as some days are, I can’t help but feel thankful for this life I get to live. I get to be home with my children. I get to learn with them. I get to see the wonder in their eye and that sparkle when they figure something out all on their own. I get to share life and experiences with them. Yes, there have been sacrifices. Yes, it is hard. Yes, I’ve had my doubts on whether or not I can do this. Yes, there have been multiple times when I’ve wondered, “why am I even doing this?!”  And the answer is always the same. It is because it’s what I’ve been called to do. And so I do it. Some days are hard, some days the smiles don’t come easy, but at the end of the day, I am overwhelmed with gratitude. Grateful for grace, for my family and for the SLOCA community. Grateful that I am an educator for life. 

Wow, what a day! We love these inside looks into the real nitty gritty of a SLOCA home day. Thank you so much, Cheryl, for taking us on that journey, and for your encouragement and great ideas along the way!

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