Friday Faces is Back! - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Friday Faces is Back!


We are so excited to bring you back our yearly blog series, Friday Faces, which introduces our families to Team SLOCA. Before we get going, we want to thank you for your feedback on our blog and how we might be able to improve things. We are currently working on how to allow comments without signing on to Facebook so thank you for patience as we adjust things around. Keep checking back in! Now, on to one of our favorite series…

Our new-to-SLOCA families may be wondering, “What is Friday Faces?” Well, it was a series started a few years back with a couple of goals in mind. First, it was a great way to put a face to the names we often see. Secondly, it was wonderful to know a little bit more about the people who, not only work at our school but are a part of our community. This year, we tracked each of them down for a photo and gave them some icebreaker questions to answer. This series will be posted each Friday until all the teams have been introduced. 

First up, we want you to meet our superhuman Support Staff! They are Team SLOCA members who you probably see walking around school and interact with regularly. They truly are superhuman and we couldn’t function without them! So, grab your favorite beverage, scroll down and read on. Enjoy!

1. What are you currently watching on Netflix?

  • Jenny: Lately when I want to just chill by myself, I escape with this British real estate show called “Escape to the Country.” But for pure entertainment, my husband Paul and I are into “The Man in the High Castle” (although that one is on Amazon Prime, not Netflix…)
  • Pamela: “Mad Men”
  • Kara: Nothing currently but I am a sucker for a documentary on strange subjects.
  • Janet: I was recently introduced to a great series that I’m trying not to binge watch because it is pretty deep.  Check out Rectify!  Thank you Thaddeus.
  • Mark: I don’t watch Netflix very often but when we do we watch nature documentaries.
  • Tiffany: Planet Earth!
  • Brenda: Riverdale (on Amazon HBO Last Week Tonight with John Oliver)

2. Who is your least favorite super hero?

  • Jenny: This is so not my area of expertise! I know little to nothing about super heroes. Maybe The Hulk? The green giant with anger issues was never very appealing.
  • Pamela: Captain Marvel (aka Shazam!)
  • Kara: I can’t even name my favorite so…….?
  • Janet: I am super hero deprived (no boys in the family).  And….I am just now realizing the underlying philosophical relevance to these heros. So I have some cultural catching up to do.  Just saw my first Marvel movie last week (Black Panther) so stay tuned.
  • Mark: Deadpool
  • Tiffany: I have no idea!
  • Brenda: Green Lantern

3. What is the coolest thing you are working on right now?

  • Jenny: I’m having fun updating all our high school documents and forms and such with the new SLOCA logo and look!
  • Pamela: Cataloging new books for the Battle of the Books
  • Kara: I am actually enjoying getting to know all of the new faces in the office:)
  • Janet: Classical Education immersion.  I am fascinated by every nuance.  As for work…I love working on a team that is telling the SLOCA story and vision to the world (new website, videos, social media, subscription program, branding.).
  • Mark: Starting a Club Rock-climbing team at SLOCA
  • Tiffany: Becoming an End of Life Doula!
  • Brenda: Meeting all the new families and students coming to SLOCA and catching up with all the ones I already know.

4. Who would you like to swap places with for a day?

  • Jenny: Lucy Maud Montgomery
  • Pamela: One of the curators of the Vatican Museums in Rome
  • Kara: a cat.  I would sleep in the window sill all day.
  • Janet: Brene Brown!  (I was an early adopter of her work).
  • Mark: Nobody, I love the life I got!
  • Tiffany: My dog!
  • Brenda: I would swap with one of my boys. The cool gymnastics things they can do, and get to learn from their incredible teachers would be way more fun then when I went to school.

5. If you could visit any place in the world-where would you go?

  • Jenny: I’d love to visit a Greek island.
  • Pamela: Maharashtra State, India
  • Kara: Eat my way through Italy.
  • Janet: Jerusalem.  I’ve yet to get there, but I will!
  • Mark: Tahiti Teahupoo
  • Tiffany: I want to visit every corner of the earth and I usually check off a destination every year if not twice a year. This time I would LOVE to go to Indonesia , New Zealand, and North Carolina to visit my brother.
  • Brenda: Fiji or Tahiti

There you have it! Wasn’t that fun to read about some of our support staff team? We have lots more to come so stay tuned next week for the rest of our support staff!



3 thoughts on “Friday Faces is Back!”

  1. Pingback: Friday Faces - More Support Staff! - SLO Classical Academy

  2. Pingback: Friday Faces: Lower + Upper Middle School - SLO Classical Academy

  3. Pingback: Happy Thanksgiving! - SLO Classical Academy

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