AWAKEN Art Exhibit - SLO Classical Academy
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AWAKEN Art Exhibit

Just a few months ago, the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art (SLOMA) called for artwork from local middle school students for their winter exhibition, AWAKEN. It was a countywide effort to provide a venue for local students to create and display their art at the museum.

SLOMA hopes to awaken creativity in local middle schools by giving students a chance to explore their artistic expression and create an art piece that reveals how nature influences their lives. These students have the opportunity to learn more about the art world, show the community their artwork and really feel what it’s like to be an artist.” -Karen Kile, SLOMA executive director.

SLOMA received 125 entries with 5 chosen winners. Several of our SLOCA students entered: Jakob Garcia, Megan Jackson, Jake Lee, Abraham Newman, Sybilla Ridley, Brandon Garcia, Isobel Ridley, and Sasha Stelmas. We are excited to announce that Jake Lee was one of the winners!

{photo by Debbie Lee}

Let’s hear more from Jake’s mom, Debbie Lee, about this experience…

As I was working on Jake’s 2nd-trimester progress report, the one question that stood out to me was, “What has your student done that you are most proud of and why?” Immediately, the answer came to me– it was his participation in the Awaken art contest, which was sponsored by the SLO Museum of Art for middle schoolers in SLO County. I remember Jake showing me the flyer that Mr. Kinnear handed out in art class in January and expressing his enthusiasm about wanting to submit something. The theme was Nature’s inspiration– so one weekend, he took his sketchbook and walked to the park in our neighborhood where he found a scene that inspired him. He worked for several days to bring his sketch to life in a beautiful painting.

The 2 SLOCA character traits that came to my mind after he finished his piece were diligence and courage. He decided he wanted to try something new, and he completed it. He also put his artwork out in public to be judged, which took a lot of courage for him.

On February 4th when we went to the event where they announced the winner, he admired all of the other amazing and creative artwork that had been submitted and was especially complimentary of his fellow SLOCA students’ art submissions. He really did not expect his name to be called as one of the winners, so when it was, he was in shock. Even after the contest was over he still contemplated which other art submissions should have won.

I asked Jake what he learned from this experience, and he answered, “I learned that what seems impossible can actually happen. So believe in yourself.”

We are so proud of our students! Your creative pieces are beautiful! Below are several more photos of their artwork for your enjoyment:

Have an inspiring day!

2 thoughts on “AWAKEN Art Exhibit”

  1. Fantastic! Congratulations to Jake and all the students who submitted their wonderful pieces. Brave, indeed!

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