Teaching Resilience and Resourcefulness through Literature - SLO Classical Academy
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Teaching Resilience and Resourcefulness through Literature

We learned last week that Resilience is…

“…the ability to recover strength, determination, spirit, flexibility, and good humor in the face of change, mistakes and trials. Catch phrase: The only real failure is to not try again.”

And that Resourcefulness is…

“Resourcefulness –To act effectively and imaginatively, to use information and available resources wisely and efficiently. Catch phrase: You can figure this out!”

Dr. Bleisch is back with us this month our literature selections and we invite you to take a look at what she’s curated for us below. You’re welcome to visit our library or The Den to check out these books or you can also head to your local library.

Happy reading!

Sometimes You Fly, by Katherine Applegate, illustrated by Jennifer Black Reinhardt

Beginning with a first birthday and ending with graduation, the scenes travel through childhood messes and milestones. Watercolor illustrations and simple, rhyming text. Ages 3 and up.

Reach for the Moon, Little Lion, by Hildegard Müller

Little lion learns strength and resilience in the face of ridicule when he takes the advice of a supportive raven and reaches for the moon. Ages 3 and up.

Bounce back! a Book about Resilience, by Cheri J. Meiners ; illustrated by Elizabeth Allen

This non-fiction picture book instructs children on how to build the skills of resilience while recovering from losses and other setbacks. Outlines how to build a positive outlook and seek help from supportive people. Ages 4 and up.

The Rough Patch, by Brian Lies

Evan and his dog do everything together, from eating ice cream to caring for their prize-winning garden. One day the unthinkable happens: Evan’s dog dies. Heartbroken, Evan destroys the garden and everything in it. The ground becomes overgrown with prickly weeds and thorns, and Evan embraces the chaos. But beauty grows in the darkest of places, and when a twisting vine turns into an immense pumpkin, Evan is drawn out of his isolation and back to the county fair, where friendships—old and new—await. A Caldecott Honor book. Ages 4 and up.

Through the Gate, by Sally Fawcett

A little girl doesn’t like the broken-down old house she and her family just moved into, but as time goes on and repairs are made, the house becomes more and more like her home. Each time the child passes ‘through the gate’, into the world beyond, she notices more of her surroundings and discovers that her new life has some wonderful things in it. Within the illustrations is a ‘spot the difference’ game. Ages 4 and up.

The Day You Begin, by Jacqueline Woodson, illustrated by Rafael Lopez

Each of us will feel like an outsider at some point. But if we go forth bravely, and share our stories, others will meet us halfway. Lyrical text by Jacqueline Woodson is illuminated by Rafael López. Ages 5 and up.

A Stone for Sascha, by Aaron Becker

A beautiful story for all ages, told in pictures, with no words. Without Sascha, the beloved family dog, this year’s summer vacation will be very different. But as a wistful young girl walks along the beach to gather cool, polished stones, her grief reaches a turning point. At the edge of a vast ocean, beneath an infinite sky, she uncovers a profound and joyous truth. Ages 5 and up.

The Trumpet of the Swan, by E.B. White, illustrated by Garth Williams (J FIC WHITE)

Louis is a trumpeter swan– but unlike his four brothers and sisters, he cannot trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can’t even make a sound. And since he can’t trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena’s affection—he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father finds him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning his love? Ages 8 and up.

Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes, by Eleanor Coerr, illustrated by Ronald Himmler (J FIC COERR)

Based on a true story, Sadako celebrates the determination that made one young woman a heroine in Japan. The star of her school’s running team, Sadako is lively and athletic… until the dizzy spells start. Then she faces the hardest race of her life: the race against time. Her resilient spirit makes Sadako an unforgettable character. On the 3rd Grade Battle of the Books List. Ages 8 and up.

My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George (J FIC GEORGE)

A thirteen-year-old boy’s diary and sketchbook, relating his adventures during the year he spends living alone in the Catskill Mountains. He reflects honestly on his struggle for survival, his dependence on nature, his animal friends, and his ultimate realization that he needs human companionship. Ages 8 and up.

Unbroken: an Olympian’s Journey from Airman to Castaway to Captive, by Lauren Hillenbrand.

As a boy, Louis Zamperini was a delinquent, breaking into houses, brawling, and stealing. As a teenager, his brother encouraged him to channel his defiance into running, discovering a supreme talent that carried him to the Berlin Olympics. But when war came, the Olympian became an airman, embarking on a journey that led to his doomed flight, and a drift on a tiny sinking raft on miles of open sea. Rescued and imprisoned by the Japanese, Zamperini was driven to the limits of endurance. But his resilient spirit would not be broken. This gripping page-turner is a testament to resilience and the power of hope. This version is adapted for young readers, ages 12 and up. The adult version is: Unbroken: a World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption, by Lauren Hillenbrand (NF 940.54)


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