Jump! Jump! Jump! - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Jump! Jump! Jump!

Today we are getting a “jump-start” on our Little Wonders annual fundraiser. SLOCA Development Assistant, Shannon DalPorto, is here to energize, encourage, and educate us about this frolicsome fundraiser. Let’s “hop” to it.

It’s almost my favorite time of year… fundraising season. No, that’s not really a thing, but nonetheless, I am excited! Every year SLOCA hosts different kid-driven fundraisers that empower students to work toward a goal and raise money to support our amazing school. In a few short weeks, our Little Wonders will be participating in a Jump, Jump, Jump-a-thon and will be jumping their hearts out (pun intended) to raise money for their classrooms.

Last year our students participated in our first ever Hop, Skip, Jump-a-thon which was a massive success! Students exceeded their goal by nearly $3,000 and brought in just over $11,000! Our kiddos had a blast, take a look…

The bounce house was by far the most popular attraction– we couldn’t get the kids out of it! So this year, we decided to add more jumping and more bounce houses! 

We fundraise a little differently at SLOCA in order to best support our families and our school, which means you will never find us selling wrapping paper, chocolates, or any other unnecessary item. Instead, we like to make our fundraisers as fun and engaging as possible!

Here at SLOCA, we don’t fundraise for just “one thing.” Our needs are unique due to our educational model. Our fundraising efforts help cover the differential between what we charge in tuition and what it actually costs to educate each student– the difference is quite large so fundraising helps us keep tuition low for all of our families.  As you know our education is life-enriching, life-preparing, and life-giving, and every show of support allows us to provide your students with the best education possible. 100% of the funds raised last year went to MANY things, all benefiting our Little Wonders program. You can be assured that all the money raised is put in exactly the right place– back to our students and teachers. Our community is valuable and we rely on each other to succeed.

We would love to have you join us for an afternoon of fun on Friday, September 27th on the field from 3:45-4:45 PM. Look forward to a fun-filled afternoon with balloons, bubbles, and bouncing! We love celebrating here at SLOCA and can’t wait to celebrate our Little Wonders in their fundraising efforts!

Check out how our Little Wonders are doing HERE! Plus, start fundraising if you have a Little Wonder of your own!


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