The Character Issue: Humility - SLO Classical Academy
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The Character Issue: Humility

“True humility does not know that it is humble. If it did, it would be proud from the contemplation of so fine a virtue.”

Martin Luther

Humility. This is a tricky character trait to not only define but to teach. Humility is not often a character trait that is prized in our current culture. Among sports stars, media personalities and political figures it is not often said of them, “Oh, they are so humble.” If anything they are the opposite. So, what is humility and why is it an important character trait for us to teach our students? SLOCA does an excellent job defining humility. 

Humility: Knowing, accepting and being who we are while demonstrating modesty about our accomplishments and gifts, admitting mistakes and valuing others for who they are and for their input. 

Catch Phrase: Admit mistakes and cheer others on.

It takes humility to admit when you are wrong or have failed. It takes humility to put someone else’s needs before your own. It takes humility to not take all the credit for a positive outcome that you contributed to.

Humility can be a tricky balance. It is not being self-deprecating. It is, however, acknowledging your gifts, accomplishments, and talents with modesty. When we are not humble about our accomplishments etc. we are in essence saying to another person, “I am better than you.” And that is arrogance, a character trait that will not bring healthy growth. 

“As you grow up, always tell the truth, do no harm to others, and don’t think you are the most important being on earth. Rich or poor, you then can look anyone in the eye and say, ‘I’m probably no better than you, but I’m certainly your equal.”

Harper Lee

The word humility can sometimes have negative connotations because of words and phrases associated with it, like humiliation, “to be humbled” or “eating humble pie”. No one wants to be humbled or humiliated, those are not your choice.  Humility is a choice that we make to think more of others and less of ourselves. 

Here are some fun discussion starters and activities to help encourage humility in your family:

  • Ask your kids to define humility. It’s a tough one. (Share their definitions in the comments!)
  • See if they can give you some antonyms of humility. Sometimes identifying what it is not, makes it easier to see what it is.
  • Take turns naming someone that you think is humble or simply share an act someone did that showed humility.
  • Have your kids tell you the last time they showed humility. Now ask them if telling you about it negates their humility. This can be an interesting conversation to have.
  • Spend a few moments speculating about what the world would be like if everyone displayed true humility.
  • Talk about opportunities that they may have throughout their day to show humility either by cheering others on or admitting their mistakes.
  • Ask your kids how it makes them feel when someone wrongs them but is not willing to admit their mistake. Take the conversation further by asking why they think some people are not willing to admit they are wrong. Is it simply pride, embarrassment, disappointment in themselves, something else altogether?
  • Model humility to your kids by admitting your own mistakes. This can be a hard one for parents sometimes. Remember though, that it is important for our kids to not only see that we are not perfect but to be given examples of how to handle mistakes starting with the first step, admitting you made one.
  • Cheer each other on! Make it a habit to praise others. Challenge your kids each day to tell you about something notable someone else did. Be sure to have them not only share it with you, but also, if possible, with the person they saw doing it.
  • Remind them that humility is not being self-deprecating. Just as we would not want them saying anything negative about someone else, do not allow them to say negative things about themselves. Cheer them on and help them identify their gifts if they are struggling to see them.

Humility always begins in our hearts. As a result, it offers significant control over attitude, outlook, and actions. It has nothing to prove, but everything to offer.

Joshua Becker

For more on humility, check out this well-done article by Joshua Becker — The Hidden Power of Humility.

Humility (Printable PDF)

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Featured Image by SLOCA High School Grad — Sabina Zink.


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