The Character Issue: Resilience and Resourcefulness - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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The Character Issue: Resilience and Resourcefulness

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.”

― Helen Keller

As I (Sharon) noted in last month’s Character Issue, the SLOCA monthly character traits are on a set schedule. I do not choose whichever ones seem to fit the moment, but if I did, these would be the ones I would pick for May: Resilience and Resourcefulness. (Talk about apropos.) We are living through a time where being resilient and resourceful are two very important qualities; dare are we say — essential. So, how are you doing? Let’s be honest, some days I don’t want to be resilient; I don’t like change. I just want to grieve over all that is going on, complain a little bit, and then take a nap. And some days I don’t want to be resourceful either. I want life to be like it used to and I don’t want to have to figure out ways to adapt. And it’s okay to feel that way. We all have days like that. But if we stay in those days and don’t work to be resilient and resourceful, we will be stuck, unable to move forward. (I don’t know about you, but I am ready to move forward.) What, then, do resilience and resourcefulness look like, and why should we not only work on these traits in ourselves but also encourage them in our kids? 


The ability to recover strength, determination, spirit, flexibility and good humor in the face of chance, mistakes and trials.

Catch Phrase: The only real failure is to not try again. 


To act effectively and imaginatively, to use information and available resources wisely and efficiently. 

Catch Phrase: You can figure this out!

Those catchphrases are both powerful and poignant. When homeschool is tough; when a new skill is being learned; when things just aren’t going “right”, we can remind our kids (and ourselves) — try again, you can figure this out!

Below you will find discussion starter topics and activities to assist you in teaching your children about resilience and resourcefulness.


  • Name some instances where you had to try multiple times to succeed. How did you feel when you failed? How did you feel when you finally succeeded? (Or if you are still working on it, how do you think you will feel when you finally succeed?)
  • Put together a visual example of resilience. For example, find a spring and flatten it with a heavy book. Show your kids how it bounces back. 
  • Read stories with characters who are resilient. (See next week’s literature post for some suggestions.)
  • Play Twister — use this as a physical example of being flexible and having to adapt (like when someone’s hand is on the blue circle you want.)
  • Exercise together: go for a run or challenge your family to a push-up competition. Physical activity reminds us that our bodies can be super resilient and that strength and flexibility require practice and repetition. (Just like developing character!)
  • Pull some weeds — this can serve you on multiple levels, (1) It’s an example of persevering through hard work, (2) weeds are super resilient, they grow anywhere, with limited water and good soil, and seem to always come back, (3) you get some weeds pulled!
  • Try something new! Ride a bike without training wheels, attempt a tricky recipe, explore a new art medium, etc. and if/when it doesn’t go “right”, try again.
  • “Good humor…” is included in the SLOCA definition of resilience. What is the value of being able to laugh at our own mistakes or to find the humor in a situation? When there is no humor to be found, do you think “good humor” can mean having a positive attitude or an optimistic outlook?

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

― Thomas Edison


  • Take time to list some ways that you as a family have been resourceful over the past few months. (Anyone had to use kleenex for toilet paper or put leftover Christmas candy in the kids’ Easter basket?)
  • Consider those around you, in what ways have you observed them being resourceful? (Think about your SLOCA teachers!)
  • Characters in books and movies are often put into situations where they have to be resourceful, discuss some of your favorites. (Swiss Family Robinson, Rosie Revere the Engineer, Paddington — just a few suggestions, check back next week for our Teaching Through Literature post for more book suggestions.)
  • Practice resourcefulness. Have your kids make a meal from limited ingredients or create an art project with recycled materials, etc.
  • Having to be resourceful often encourages gratitude. When you do not always have the things you need/want, it prompts you to be extra thankful for what you do have. Share with each other what you are grateful for or jot some thoughts down in a gratitude journal. 
  • Imagination is a gift and kids are blessed with it in spades. Discuss how we can use our imagination to find ways to meet our needs. (Anyone read The Little Princess lately? She has a talent for using her imagination to make a little seem like a lot.)

What are some ways you have been resilient and resourceful lately? How have you observed your kid(s) embracing these traits? Share with us in the comments below!

Also, check out these printable posters for use at home!



7 thoughts on “The Character Issue: Resilience and Resourcefulness”

  1. Thank you for the time you put into creating this blog series and particularly this one today. It is so encouraging and helpful to me during this time of quarantine.

  2. Great article. Amazing that THESE are the character traits we are to focus on this month! Thanks for being REAL and sharing your own struggles in the article. We are, in some ways, on an emotional pinwheel right now – the “wind” blows and our emotions spin with it. It’s exhausting. I am amazed at the resilience of our children to just keep on keeping on. There were DEFINITELY some bumps and hurdles. Thankfully our amazing teachers switched direction quickly and our children had a direction/course to follow in. That has made this transition so much easier for them…to have a trail to follow and to be able to “stay the course”. I am really thankful for SLOCA right now.

  3. Great examples and suggestions. Thanks, Sharon. So good to know we are all in this together, even if we can’t see each other.

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