The Boston Massacre & The Boston Tea Party - SLO Classical Academy
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The Boston Massacre & The Boston Tea Party

It is the start of another week. Can you believe we are approaching the halfway mark for this trimester? For today’s Mix-ins for Monday, we have quite a selection of resources regarding two significant precursor events to the American Revolution. And they both happened in Boston! Before you check out the mix-ins we wanted to remind our SLOCA parents of the holiday resources available to you in the Parent Portal. Specifically, there is an excellent article about the origins of Halloween, All Saints Day, and Dia De Muertos. You’ll also find suggestions for books and movies related to these holidays.

And now for the Mix-ins…

Did you know? It took nearly three hours for more than 100 colonists to empty the tea into Boston Harbor. The chests held more than 90,000 lbs. (45 tons) of tea, which would cost nearly $1,000,000 dollars today. —, The Boston Tea Party

Resource Links:

The Boston Massacre | A brief synopsis of this famous historical event with links to learn more about John Adams and Crispus Attucks.

The Boston Tea Party | A short paragraph about the event with a picture with links to learn more. Great for younger grades.

The Sons of Liberty | Learn about the group that organized the Boston Tea Party.

The Boston Tea Party Coloring Page | Print out a picture for the kids to color while you read about or discuss this event.

An Eyewitness Account of the Boston Tea Party | George Hewes, a participant in the Boston Tea Party, wrote down his account of this event.

The Boston Massacre: The Story Behind The Night | The complete text of the account of the Boston Massacre as reported in the Boston Gazette and Country Journal on Monday, March 12, 1770.

The Boston Tea Party | A article about the precursors to this event and details about the event.

Test Your 18th Century Knowledge | This quick quiz is a fun way to see how much you know about revolutionary America

Video Links:

*Parents, please preview for your students first.

Sesame Street: Boston Letter T Party | A silly video to start off our video mix-ins. What T’s would you throw in?

The Boston Tea Party | A super short, great for all ages illustrated video about the Boston Tea Party.

The Story Behind the Boston Tea Party | A short TED-Ed video about this famous tea party.

Liberty Kids – The Boston Tea Party | The first episode in an excellent cartoon series about the Revolutionary War and the founding of the United States.

Boston Massacre: Animated Graphic Novel | A short animated video about the Boston Massacre. (Intermediate & up).

The Boston Tea Party Song | This video will make you “happy” as you learn about the Boston Tea Party set to music.


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