Friday Faces: Tiny Wonders - SLO Classical Academy
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Friday Faces: Tiny Wonders

Happy Friday! Today for Friday Faces we have our amazing Tiny Wonders team who work with the littlest people at SLOCA.

What was your favorite childhood book? 

Brynn: I Hate to Go to Bed. Despite being a great sleeper as a child, it was always a fight actually getting me into bed. Looking back, this book reminds me of myself as a child, especially the feelings of being left out of the world continuing as I slept. My mom talks about how much I loved this book, and how similar it was to me. I look back now and laugh because of how stubborn I was, but am grateful to have had parents who loved me anyways, and even found books that I related to!

Deena: The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett A story of friendship, faithfulness , suffering and redemption. The setting brought vivid images to my mind as a child.

Izabella: Corduroy was my favorite childhood book because of its message of acceptance, friendship, and belonging.

Julie: I have really fond memories of The Secret Garden because my mom read it aloud to me.

Riley: I’d have to say that Charlotte’s Web was my favorite childhood book! It’s something I used to read all of the time ever since I could remember!

Samantha: The Rainbow Fish was my favorite childhood book because it was my first English book and the colors always got my attention.

Sutten: The Little Red Hen. My mom and I used to read it so it was always very special!

If you could be any Roman or Greek god/goddess which one would you be?

Brynn: I would be goddess Hera because I love what she stands for: women, marriage, family and childbirth.

Deena: Demeter, that none should go hungry.

Izabella: I would choose to be Selene because she is the personification of the moon.

Julie: One that was not immoral or ​​capricious!

Riley: I would want to be the goddess Flora. Springtime is my favorite holiday and I just absolutely love flowers and how uniquely beautiful each one is!

Samantha: If I could be a Roman or Greek goddess I would choose Hestia because she is the goddess of wisdom, reasoning, and intelligence.

Sutten: Hestia because she helped keep the peace in families

What did you want to be when you ‘grew up’?

Brynn: I have always been obsessed with true crime, so I always wanted to be an FBI agent. I became obsessed with the show Criminal Minds when I was only 9 years old, much to my parents’ horror. But it didn’t scare me then, so they were always supportive of my hopes and dreams!

Deena: A teacher by day and baker by night. I could not get enough of my Easy-Bake Oven

Izabella: I wanted to work three part time jobs as the president, a zoologist, and a marine biologist.

Julie: A mom. I wanted 5 kids and all their names started with M.

Riley: So many things! An actress, singer, and even a doctor. It seemed to have changed a lot.

Samantha: As a kid I wanted to be a doctor until I realize I would have to deal with blood. I said no thank you.

Sutten: A nurse

If you could have any superpower what would it be?

Brynn: I would pick the power of speed! I always feel like I’m running out of time, so I want my superpower to make me do everything at hyper speed!

Deena: The ability to time travel to explore history and gain a better understanding of the past.

Izabella: I would want the ability to communicate with animals so I can have millions of other creatures to talk to.

Julie:  Teleportation, so I can quickly visit my daughter in Idaho whenever I want.

Riley: Telekinesis! I have always thought the ability to move objects to be so cool!

Samantha: If I could have any superpower it would be a combination of flying and telekinesis because I would enjoy flying anywhere I would want for free and to see the world’s beauty. While also being able to move anything I want.

Sutten: Flying so I could go wherever I want!

Thank you to our Tiny Wonders team for sharing a bit about themselves with us!

For earlier posts, please see:

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