Friday Faces: Primary - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces: Primary

Happy Friday! The end of the Trimester 1 has come up fast!  Today we bring you the wonderful people that make up our Primary team. Primary is part of the first stage of the Trivium in Classical Education – the Grammar stage. This fun stage of absorbing facts sets the foundation for the later explorative stages of the Trivium. Thank you Primary team for sharing with our SLOCA community.

What was your favorite hobby you picked up during the pandemic?

Jennifer: No new hobbies to speak of but I did read several of the books in my ever-growing pile of books I want to read!

Kaitlyn: I had the joy of trying to plan a wedding amidst the shut downs and craziness! It was a lot of fun to piece everything together but I’m also glad it was a short lived hobby.

Melissa: Like everyone else, I learned how to make sourdough bread. This new skill was far more successful than the sewing machine, which is now dusty. My sourdough starter, however, is still alive today.

Rachel: One of my favorite hobbies I picked up during the pandemic was baking. Delicious cakes, muffins, breads, crisps, they were so comforting. Also a lot of tea and hot spiced apple cider. My daughter and I gratefully had so much more time to create art.

Sage: I taught my class how to weave with small 5×5 cardboard looms, but was inspired to try weaving myself on a larger scale. I made a DIY wood loom and designed a piece of the moon and stars—it’s turning out quite nice! I also dedicated a lot of time to 35mm film photography. Carrying a camera even just around the house helped me to appreciate my surroundings more.

If I could eliminate any chore from my life, it would be…

Jennifer: …the dishes. I love to cook for my family. I love serving tons of food to my people! But the thought of doing the dishes puts a huge cloud over my joy. Thankfully, my husband doesn’t mind doing the dishes. He does not cook so we make a good team.

Kaitlyn: Dishes

Melissa: Sweeping. Or putting clothes away. Can I pick two? 😉

Rachel: If I could eliminate any chore it would be vacuuming and raking. Our family of four lives on some property, and we are constantly tracking in dirt, oak leaves, and foxtails. Also, during fall raking, we have a very thick carpet of acorns everywhere. Recently, I spent a lot of time raking the acorns off our pathways. The next day, I walked outside, and it looked like I never raked anything! The wild turkeys had pushed all the acorns back perfectly into all our pathways!

Sage: Washing dishes. Yuck.


My favorite childhood book was…

Jennifer: …anything in Beverly Cleary’s Ramona series. I still have my copies from when I was little!

Kaitlyn: Mr. Poppers Penguins and Matilda

Melissa: Anne of Green Gables, Heidi, The Diary of Anne Frank, and Charlotte’s Webb. They all helped make me the reader I am today.

Rachel: My favorite childhood book was “Watership Down”, by Richard Adams. I could not believe Adams could transform “bunnies” into such well developed characters with such an intriguing storyline. Ahhhhhhh yes, Hazel and Fiver!

Sage: Winnie the Pooh stories by A.A. Milne

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

Jennifer: I would really love to have Mary Poppins’ finger snapping power. Can you imagine just snapping your fingers and the house would clean itself?? Glorious…

Kaitlyn: The ability to fly. I’ve been skydiving twice and floating through the sky was the coolest experience!

Melissa: How about the Mary Poppins snapping ability to do the above chores. That, or the ability to travel to a new destination in seconds!

Rachel: If I could have any superpower it would be “THE POWER TO ALLOW HUMANS TO ENJOY THE PRESENT MOMENT.” Of course there is no denying the “POWER TO ELIMINATE WORLD HUNGER” or “WORLD PEACE POWER” would be the ultimate. Sooooooooooo hard to choose! Selfishly, I would like the “MY DOG LIVES FOREVER POWER.”

Sage: I’m going to steal my answer from one of my TAs in Middle School. He said he would like to have the power of putting his hand on any book and gaining the knowledge contained inside the volume. While I don’t think I would ever want to give up reading in the usual way, it would be nice to be able to instantaneously absorb books I feel I need to read and save my reading times for books I actually enjoy!

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