Portrait of a Graduate: Part 2 - SLO Classical Academy
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Portrait of a Graduate: Part 2

With high school graduation just around the corner, we would like to introduce you to the SLOCAHS Class of 2024! This series of posts includes Q&A with this fantastic group of students and will provide a small glimpse into these individuals who are heading out into the world. Check out the first group of seniors in Part 1, and read on below to get to know the rest of this Class of 2024…

Jael Cohn

Senior Project: “The Aesthetics of Reading”
Plans after graduation: Attending Kenyon College (Ohio) with a major in English.

1. Why did you choose this senior project?  At the beginning of the year I wanted to do something related to Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights. I grew up with Wuthering Heights and it was the first classic I read when I was 13. So I played with the idea of analyzing her masterpiece through the perspective of Jung’s Archetypes. But the more and more I dived into the work for this project, I was cautioned against it. I didn’t want to analyze a book I loved so much. The more and more I tried, the less that I captured what was so special about her writing. So I shifted my project to figure out why I felt that way. And that’s what led to The Aesthetics of Reading: Why We Should Move Beyond Critical Suspicion.  

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why?  Demian by Herman Hesse. I read this book my sophomore year on my own and found that I identified with it in many ways. It was one of those books that you find easy to read every line – even though it has difficult philosophical questions – because you’re able to understand and relate to what it’s saying. Even though the book was intended for the young generation of soldiers who survived the traumatic experiences of WWI, it is still very apropos for anyone of a younger generation, or really anyone to be honest, given that it outlines the experience from childhood to adulthood. Besides that, Borge’s Labyrinth and Emily Bronte’s The Old Stoic also mean a lot to me.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My mama has been the most influential person in my life. Some of my first memories are of me at 3 years old playing under her sundress at coffee shops in the Midwest after she taught me how to order a hot chocolate for myself. Along with how to be independent, she has taught me almost everything I know about literature, sports, music, fashion, and life.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you? I’m obsessed with watching professional cycling, and can probably talk about it with someone who will listen for a bit too long. But by now, I think most people wouldn’t be surprised by that!

Luke Eades

Senior Project: Why We Work
Plans After Graduation: TBD

1. Why did you choose this senior project? I wanted to focus on something actually relevant in my life in addition to something I found to be interesting and productivity happened to be something I was intrigued by.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? Probably Steinbeck’s East of Eden because it was one of the first true novels I read on my own. Also because it’s just really good.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My Grandpa because he’s still going.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you? A rooster almost killed me.

Ben Hamill

Senior Project: Baseball: A Gateway to Community
Plans after graduation: TBD

1. Why did you choose this senior project? I choose my Senior Project due to me loving baseball and getting to talk baseball with people I really enjoy talking to.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? Les Miserables, because it was the first big book I read at SLOCA. Also I love the themes of forgiveness and redemption.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My parents, couldn’t have done High School without them, couldn’t do life without them.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you? I like to split firewood as a hobby.

Joe Moore

Senior Project: Why We Jump
Plans after graduation:  I’ll be attending Gonzaga University as a computer science major

1. Why did you choose this senior project? If I was going to spend a year working on something I wanted it to be something I was genuinely interested in and I’ve always had a fascination with extreme sports.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? Les Miserables. The story arc of Jean Valjean really taught me the importance of kindness and forgiveness even when those traits may not be reciprocated back to you.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My mom.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?  I’ve had five knee surgeries.

Sterling Schaffner

Senior Project: Rhetoric in Social Media Marketing: Persuading the Buyer
Plans After Graduation: Attending Vanguard University, majoring in Marketing

1. Why did you choose this senior project? I chose my senior project because it seemed like a good introduction to the marketing I’ll be doing in college. I also was already selling clothes so my project was able to continue with that but bring it to the next level.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? The most impactful piece of literature I’ve read is probably Les Miserables. The lesson in it showed you can change your circumstances in life to something new.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? The most influential person in my life is probably my mom.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?  People might be surprised to know that I love long road trips, but only when I’m the one driving.

Violet Talley

Senior Project: The College Cookbook: A Student Guide to Simple and Nutritious Meals
Plans After Graduation: Wheaton University, majoring in Communication

1. Why did you choose this senior project? Healthy eating is something I’m very passionate about and I wanted to do something where I could learn more about nutrition. I also wanted to do something more visual which is why I chose to make a cookbook.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? Les Miserables- it was the first book I read freshman year and is one I still remember reading. It’s a story about forgiveness and changing your own future which I thought was impactful.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My older sister Karena.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?  I did ballet for 10 years before playing volleyball.

Haaken Theule

Senior Project: Woodworking: Why We Create
Plans After Graduation: I will be attending Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo after I graduate.

1. Why did you choose this senior project? I chose my senior project because I am interested in and enjoy woodworking. Also, I was wrestling with the question of why humans want to build things and create things, so I researched this question and built something of my own, specifically focusing on woodworking.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? Moby Dick, because it has an interesting storyline but also deals with big, important ideas. In addition, it’s a challenge to read, but rewarding and satisfying to overcome this challenge.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? My sister Eden has been an influential person in my life.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?  I’m a really good at juggling (top 2000 in the world).

Noah Turnage

Senior Project: Why Do We Laugh
Plans After Graduation: TBD

1. Why did you choose this senior project? I chose my senior project because I wanted to make people laugh.

2. What is the most impactful piece of literature you’ve read, and why? The most impactful piece of literature I have read is the book Is this Anything by Jerry Seinfeld, because I found lessons in it that I could actually apply to my life.

3. Who has been an influential person in your life (dead or alive)? The most influential people in my life are my parents because they are always there for me.

4. What is something that people would be surprised to know about you?  Something people would be surprised to know about me is I don’t like pickleball.

Thank you for sharing, 2024 Seniors! We’re so excited for all of the adventures you have ahead of you.

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