Welcome to The Character Issue for the month of November. Here at SLOCA, we believe the development of character is essential to becoming well educated—not only gaining the knowledge of good character, but really internalizing its value and cultivating the desire to grow in good character. Without character, education is incomplete and potentially dangerous. We also believe that developing character is a process. We don’t “arrive” at excellent character, but we develop it within us over time through many means, including mistakes and doing hard things. We are all on this journey together, and by infusing into their education, invite our children to join us.

Integrity: Having the inner strength to be truthful and trustworthy, acting justly and honorably, and being consistent in words and actions.
Catchphrase: Tell the truth. Keep your word.

Developing character is a process. It requires practice and intention. It doesn’t just happen overnight.
On our blog each month we’ll post about the character trait along with book lists that teach the trait through literature. In the classroom, we highlight these by pointing out both good and bad examples of the character trait from our history and literature readings. On the playground, our Safety Team ties in our code of conduct to the trait as we help students understand how their behavior impacts others.
Need some artwork for your school room at home? Check out our character trait posters in The Den! These custom-designed character posters by alum, and current art teacher Josh Ronda!
Check back next Wednesday for a special blog sharing some literature suggestions that go along with this month’s Character Trait.