Magical Moments: Back to School BBQ
{photo by Rachel Neumann} SLOCA parent Robin Lee share’s today’s Magical Moment, in which many of us participated! Robin and her husband Carl have two daughters at the school, Reagan
{photo by Rachel Neumann} SLOCA parent Robin Lee share’s today’s Magical Moment, in which many of us participated! Robin and her husband Carl have two daughters at the school, Reagan
Happy Friday! We have a couple of (somewhat) new faces to introduce you to today. Both of these ladies came to us mid-year last year, so they aren’t exactly new,
Quick note: we hope some of you will be able to come out and support our high school girls volleyball team tomorrow in their first tournament! It starts at 9
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* This week we have our returning Upper Middle School teachers for 2014-15, and here are their answers from last year's Friday Faces: Sarah Weinschenk Upper Middle School
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* We'd like to introduce you to our returning Intermediate Team teachers for 2014-15, by sharing their answers from last year's Friday Faces: Lisa Ann Dillon Intermediate Team
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* Meet our Primary teachers who are returning for 2014-15, featured in last year's Friday Faces: Jennifer Perneel Primary Team Lead Teacher (Core on Track B), Level 2
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* Here's the returning Kindergarten team for 2014-15, with their answers from last year's Friday Faces: Mary Knudson Kindergarten Lead Teacher and Educational Consultant Q: What is your degree in?
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* These Team SLOCA members are returning to teach Little Wonders for the 2014-15 school year, and were featured in last year's Friday Faces: Merideth Eades Preschool Director,
A couple of weeks ago we shared a resource called “100 Ways to Be Kind to Your Child” from While perusing this inspiring blog a bit further I came
*UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2014* There are no changes with this group, but for those who would like to read about them, here are the members of our SLOCA Board of Directors
165 Grand Ave.
San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.