Friday Faces: Board of Directors - SLO Classical Academy
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Friday Faces: Board of Directors


There are no changes with this group, but for those who would like to read about them, here are the members of our SLOCA Board of Directors from last year's Friday Faces:

Welcome to our very last installment of Friday Faces! We have truly enjoyed getting to know our teachers, administration, and staff members over the last several weeks, and we want to end with a very special and valuable group of people that many of you may not know… our SLOCA Board of Directors. 

Our Board of Directors is the governing body of SLO Classical Academy. In conjunction with the school's Executive Director the board helps make decisions concerning policies and helps support the strategic vision of the organization. We’d like to introduce you to them today.

We’ll start with the Executive Committee:

Ken Moore

Executive Chair

Ken and his wife Brigid have five children, two at SLOCA on Track A: Connie, Abby (LMS), Joseph (Primary), BrigidAnne, and Henry. 

Q: What is your degree in?

A:  I have a B.S. in Business Administration / Finance, and J.D. (law degree).  Undergraduate was at Cal Poly, and I received my J.D. from Washington and Lee School of Law.

Q: What is your current job? 

A: I am a banking and securities lawyer.

Q: What is your board experience? 

A: In my law practice, a significant portion of my work is directly advising boards of public and private companies.  SLOCA is the first non-profit board on which I have served.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Walk my two dogs – Daisy Mae, an Australian Shepherd, and Mudge, a Newfoundland puppy.

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A:  That is a tough one, so I’ll give you two: For a night out with my wife, Hoppe’s in Cayucos, and a night out with the whole family (far more frequent), Firestone Grill.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A:  My Side of the Mountain, by Jean Craighead George.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A:  It is hard to pick one, but watching my 8 year old son squirm in his seat as we read Tom Sawyer together was priceless.

Robert Campbell

Executive Vice Chair

Robert and his wife Julie have two children at SLOCA on Track A: Caleb (High School) and Meg (UMS).

Q: What is your degree in?

A: BA from Biola University in Biblical Studies; MDiv from The Masters Seminary and Doctor of Ministry from Trinity Western University. I clearly love school a little too much.

Q: What is your current job? 

A: In case the degrees didn't give it away, I pastor the magnificent and gracious Community Church in Santa Margarita.

Q: What is your board experience? 

A: I have worked on several boards in the past and am currently working with The Gateway to Carrizo Plains, which partners with BLM to increase visitors and education on the Carrizo Plain National Monument; the San Luis Obispo Sheriff's Activities League, a community based youth program uniting kids, officers and community members; and A Rocha USA, a Christian based conservation program in 19 countries helping to restore people and their places.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: I am an introvert so I love the early quiet to read, contemplate, pray and enjoy a cup of tea before the day begins.

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: The Range in Santa Margarita. Jeff cooks like he loves doing it and we always feel well loved when we go there.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: I read too many to have a favorite, but by the influence on my life it had to be the Narnia series. I'm thinking of reading them again this next year.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A:  I tried to read all the High School literature last year. I loved Of Mice and Men and The Chosen. Last year was an amazing year for High School literature.

Cade Newman

Executive Chair of Student Development

Cade and his wife Joy have four children on Track A: Eli (LMS), Abraham (Intermediate), Esther (Primary), and Ezra (Preschool).

Q: What is your degree in?

A: BA in English and Masters in Education

Q: What is your current job? 

A: I teach students Language Arts at Paulding MIddle School.

Q: What is your board experience? 

A: I've been privileged to serve on SLOCA's board for the last four years.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Push the Brew button.  Second: wait to hear that beautiful percolating sound.  

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: Taco Temple

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: I loved James and the Giant Peach.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: The board has read a number of books together, but I'd say my favorite book (discussion) has been Machiavelli's The Prince.

And here’s the rest of the team:

Becky Baer


Q: What is your degree in?

A: My degree is in education, and I have a Life Time Credential to teach grades K-8. I taught for many years in the public school system.

Q: What is your current job? 

A:  I am supposed to be retired, but I have a serious addiction to teaching and working with kids, so I tutor students in many subjects locally after school and long distance on Skype.

Q: What is your board experience? 

A:  I have been on the SLOCA board for a number of years and have seen many changes in the school from its small beginnings.  My situation is unique in that I am the only member who has no children or grandchildren in the school.  Simply put, I am dedicated to meaningful education and feel that SLOCA is a needed alternative in our community.  At the close of our meetings, I drive home with much enthusiasm for exciting prospects for our future.   I count myself as fortunate to be a part of such a diversified, dedicated group of people each of whom gives so much energy to see that SLOCA evolves and flourishes. 

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A:  I hop out to bed and zip to the barn to feed the chickens, horse and, until last June, my dear, elderly potbelly pig.  Back inside, my cats, Zane Grey and Yin Yang, are waiting for their breakfasts.

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A:  I love Thai food and since it is one cuisine that neither my husband no
r I cook, it is my first choice when eating out.  Thai Talay Restaurant in Pismo Beach is the current favorite.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A:  This is a most difficult question as reading was (and still is) my passion.  I remember many much-loved books, but the Walter Farley Black Stallion series as well as those books by Marguerite Henry rank at the top.

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A:  Since I do not read along with a student, I would like to mention that, as time allows, the board chooses selections from the classics to read and discuss as a group.  Last fall, I very much enjoyed a reread of Tom Sawyer.   We have also discussed Cervantes’ Don Quixote and The Prince by Machiavelli.  

Tim Ronda

Tim and his wife Sandra have two children at SLOCA on Track A: Joshua (High School) and Lily (UMS).

Q: What is your degree in?

A: Architecture

Q: What is your current job? 

A: Principal Architect, SDG Architects

Q: What is your board experience? 

A: Measure twice, cut once

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Turn off the alarm

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: Novo

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: Maxie

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: The Bronze Bow

Chuck Smith

Chuck and his wife Geri have two children at SLOCA on Track A: Cami (High School) and Coco (UMS).

Q: What is your degree in?

A: B.S. in Business from Cal Poly with an emphasis on Sales and Marketing

Q: What is your current job? 

A: I am currently on hiatus from partnering in and running a company non-stop for 30 years, so I'm working on home improvement projects, and enjoying taking on the role of Physics and Math Homeschool Dad.

Q: What is your board experience? 

A: I have been on the SLOCA Board for about 5 years which continues to be a pleasure to be a part of.  I also served on a condominium association board that was an educational journey but not so pleasurable to be a part of – for the most part. 

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Quick – make coffee!

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: Goshi's in Paso

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriott

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: Unfortunately, I have not been able to read much of the wonderful books my girls have after all these years at SLOCA.  I have listened to them all read together though, and our family discussions are wonderful.  One book I hope to read soon is Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand, which the High School read last year.

Jill Talley

Jill and her husband Todd have three children at SLOCA on Track A: Karena (LMS), Violet (Intermediate), and Daniel (Primary).

Q: What is your degree in?

A: BA in Communications with a minor in Political Science

Q: What is your current job? 


Q: What is your board experience? 

A:  I’ve had the opportunity to serve on a number of boards over the years and in several different states. Here in SLO County I’ve served on several boards including the San Luis Obispo Symphony and the Central Coast Natural History Association.

Q: What is the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

A: Open the blinds and let the sun stream in

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

A: That’s a hard one. We live in a place with a lot of great restaurants.  My husband and I like ethnic food so we have several fave spots for Japanese or Indian fare, but for favorite all around I would say Novo. I love the setting and the unique menu items.

Q: What was your favorite book when you were a child?

A: The Little House on the Prairie series

Q: What is your favorite piece of literature that we've read at SLOCA? 

A: All the Places to Love by Patricia MacLachlan

Board members featured elsewhere:

Susie Theule

Visionary and Executive Director

We deeply appreciate your service to the school as board members. And thank you for allowing us to meet you here at Down Home!

SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned businesses.

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