Wednesday Wonders: Invention Convention
{photo by Carolyn Eicher} It’s been a few weeks since our spectacular Science Night, but here on the blog we don’t want to neglect celebrating all the fascinating projects presented
{photo by Carolyn Eicher} It’s been a few weeks since our spectacular Science Night, but here on the blog we don’t want to neglect celebrating all the fascinating projects presented
{photos by Guy Kinnear} “You can do anything with children if only you play with them.” ~ German (on parenting and children) Happy Friday, one and all! We’ve completed our
Following up on our UMS Rube Goldberg machine post, we now have some video footage from our Lower Middle School and Intermediate classes, so we thought we’d share those with
{photo by Cheryl McCabe} It’s always a pleasure to have family, friends, and community members visit our school, and one of our favorite events each year is Not Just for
{photo by Nikol Rochez} We love to highlight student work here on the blog (and frankly, we don’t do it often enough!). Our UMS students finished up their Rube Goldberg
{photo by Paul Bischoff} Those of you who are able to stay for the morning meetings at drop off know that from time to time different classes will come up
Today’s wonder is short and sweet – the above photo was sent in by Track B Primary teacher Jennifer Perneel with the caption: “How Primary students doodle on my whiteboard
{image by Rube Goldberg, via Wonderopolis} Our Upper Middle School students are currently working on creating Rube Goldberg Machines in Science class. Don’t know what these are? They are complicated
{photo by Cheryl McCabe} If you have kids at SLOCA, you’ve probably already heard all about the esteemed visitor we had at the beginning of the month… but today we
{photos by Andy Zink} A couple of weeks ago, four of our high school students participated in SLOCA’s second annual Poetry Out Loud competition, sponsored by the National Endowment for
165 Grand Ave.
San Luis obispo, CA 93405
We currently have openings in the following grades: 1st – 4th, 7th + 8th, and High School. We are taking waitlist applications for the other grades.