1.23.08 Weekly Update - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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1.23.08 Weekly Update

Each week, enrolled families receive a Director’s Weekly Update email. Here is this week’s Update . . .

“Why do you do this, Master, this copying?”
“Why, the King has ordered some copies. And besides, I learn from them. How better? It is like taking a lesson from a master of the past. I copy his colors, his shadows, his draperies. It is as if he were there, at my shoulder, guiding and teaching me.”

~ From I, Juan de Pareja

Dear Parents –

In a nutshell, the above quote represents our belief that things like copywork and reading great literature is so important in a child’s education. We are providing opportunities for our kids to learn from masters – master writers – by copying their work literally and in their own writing as they develop. What they take in, what they hear and read and copy, will all affect what comes out of their minds, their hearts, and their pens! How exciting to have so many great teachers available to us!

Here’s the news of the week. Thanks for taking time to stay updated!

Parents at SLO Classical Academy

Kate Scott is doing well in her recovery, but has a long way to go! If you’d like to send a note of encouragement and support, you may do so at Tiverton House, 900 Tiverton Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90024, c/o Kate and Mike Scott.

Parent Partnership Meeting – just a reminder we have a mandatory meeting this Thursday, January 24th from 7:00-8:30 p.m . Only one parent representative from each family needs to be there. We will cover registration for next year as well as some ongoing vision and “family” business. There will be time for Q & A. We appreciate your partnership with us and really need you to be there in order to maximize this partnership. If you cannot attend, please let me know at my directors email address. Thank you!

Tuition Exchange – We are looking for a qualified parent or individual to provide enrichment to our Track A Kindergarten class from 11:50-1:30 each school day in exchange for tuition. We have had a parent doing that on Track B for a year and a half and it has worked wonderfully. If interested, please contact me at director@sloclassicalacademy.com as quickly as possible.

Volunteer opportunities – Wow! What a great response we got to helping out with the parent meeting! Thank you!
• We could use a father or father/mother team to load up some extra computer and electronic equipment we have laying around before next Tuesday.
• We are still looking for 1-2 parents to help with our Parent Information Nights for potential parents starting in February. We will need help with set up, take down, and we would truly love to have a parent testimony or 2 at each as well. We have found that parents really appreciate hearing from parents. Doesn’t have to be fancy or perfect – just sharing from the heart.
• One more need for those parent info nights is someone who knows sound a bit. We need to record one of the evenings. We’re looking to borrow the equipment as well – if you have the equipment or the expertise, we could use your help!
If interested, let Camille know at volunteers@sloclassicalacademy.com . Thank you!

Receipts for deductions – We have sent out receipts for all donations of $250 – if you have not received one, please let us know and we will get one to you. If you want a receipt for smaller donations, we can provide a receipt, but keep in mind that you may claim donations under $250 w/o a receipt as long as you have record of the donation with a back record or cancelled check.

Education at SLO Classical Academy

School holidays – I apologize for the school’s mixed messages on the President’s holiday dates. We are taking off the official national date of Feb. 18th, and thus the 19th as well. We will be in session the 11th/12th.

Correction! Because school is not in session on Feb 18 and 19 – Enrichment Classes will not meet on those days.

Hip Hop – 4 weeks – Jan 28/29 – Feb 25/26 (no class on Feb 18/19)
Monart – 6 weeks – Jan 28/29 – March 10/11 (no class on Feb 18/19)

Sign-up sheets are in the office. Please note that payment for Anam Cre’ pottery classes should made to Anam Cre’, all other payments to SLOCA with a note “Enrichment Classes” on the check.

Academy Classes:
Academy Class Session 3 starts this Friday 1/25 (except for Monart which is a 5 week class and begins on Feb 1).
There are a few spots left in a few classes, if still interested, e-mail academyclasses@sloclassicalacademy.com

Events at SLO Classical Academy

SLO Classical Schwag is back! We will be selling that great school apparel on the 30th and 31st after school. Some items will be available for purchase and orders will also be taken!

The Art of Storytelling, February 9th from 9-12 at school with Zette Harbor! Suzette (Zette) Harbour, one of our parents, is a traditional storyteller who has shared and taught storytelling for over 15 years. Drawing from the abundant reservoir of multicultural folktales, Zette has been a featured performer at festivals and a guest speaker for conferences and retreats whose stories have been aired on NPR, KCBX and KVEC. Her teaching experience includes Cuesta College For Kids, Cal Poly Extended Education, Arts in Social Studies – Lucia Mar and various independently produced workshops. She has been an Artist-In-Residence with the Children’s Creative Project and her solo performance, Full Moon Stories & Beach Walk, was reviewed by the National
Endowment for the Arts.

Parent Information Nights – Please let your friends know that our first informational night for prospective parents will be on February 5th. In addition, packets for new parents will be available mid-February and open registration begins at the start of March.

Math Celebration! Plans are in the works for our all school event of the trimester – this time we will be celebrating math, encouraging kids and families to enjoy and appreciate math and its history. We will keep you informed as plans unfold, but reserve the evening of March 6th from about 6-8.

Community Events

Cal Poly Music Ensemble will perform centuries old music that the madrigal composed in honor of Queen Elizabeth on January 26th. Cost is $13.00. http://www.pacslo.org/events/viewevent.php?event=509

SLO Symphony is hosting their FREE no tie concert on Saturday, February 2nd at 1 p.m. This is an amazing opportunity in our community to expose your child to wonderful, live music that they may not choose to listen to on their own. For more information, go to

Did You Know…

We have a blog? Check it out at http://sloca.blogspot.com/

Have a great short week – Susie

Education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire. ~ Yeats

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