Because we value not only excellent academics, but character development, we believe in the value of community service. When they serve others, our students learn responsibility, citizenship, kindness, and that they are part of something bigger than themselves. Upper Middle School students are required to spend 5 hours per trimester volunteering in some way, and it’s not a bad idea for the rest of us either! If you’d like some ideas to help your UMS student find a way to plug into community service, or are looking for some ways your family can give back to our community, here is the beginning of a list that we hope will grow as parents contribute additional ideas:
SLO Food Bank: 238-4664. Collect food for them on Saturdays.
Woods Humane Society: 543-9316. They love volunteers to play with the animals and clean pens.
Prado Day Center: 541-7963. Be a family volunteer to serve a meal to the homeless.
Retirement Homes: Call to see what help they might need – cleaning? visiting? organizing?
The Manse: 541-4222
Las Brisas: 438-2890
Judson Terrace Homes: 544-1600
DeGroot Home: 543-7663. Organize a baby wipe and Ensure drive, (the type of food their babies eat), for this wonderful home that takes care of severely handicapped.
SLO City Graffiti Clean Up: 781-7207. Help the city to paint over graffiti. This is a great family project!
Church Nursery: Volunteer to do childcare in your church nursery or preschool class.
Church Volunteer: Check with your Nursery Director or Children’s Ministry Director to see if there are any odd jobs that you can do such as wash toys, replace batteries, organize toys/books on shelves, decorate bulletin boards, etc.
Book Drive: Collect new baby and toddler board books for the EOC TAPP program; a program working with teen moms and their babies. For more information, call 544-5033.
Scouts: Participate in a scouting program.
Trail Work Days: Help the Ranger Service Division maintain and keep City open space trails in top condition. For more information call the Ranger Service Desk at 781-7302.
The Volunteer SLO website has a search engine to find volunteer opportunities in our area. Not all results may be appropriate for students, but it might be worth looking into.
Trail Work Days: Help the Ranger Service Division maintain and keep City open space trails in top condition. For more information call the Ranger Service Desk at 781-7302.
The Volunteer SLO website has a search engine to find volunteer opportunities in our area. Not all results may be appropriate for students, but it might be worth looking into.
Check with Miss Garavatti or Mr. Wathen to sign up for school jobs or for more information on the following:
• Serve on the Student Council (5 hours per Trimester).
• Empty the trash from playground each day (two students per track, 5 hours per Trimester).
• Empty recycling (two students per track, 5 hours per Trimester).
• Raise and lower the flag and store appropriately (5 hours per Trimester).
• Assist with childcare needs on Fridays, (must have taken a babysitting course).
• Sign up to help set up and clean up on History Days or Fundraising events.
• Be a friday walking buddy (5 hours per Trimester).
• Assist a teacher with Academy Classes.
• Assist teachers with clerical tasks.
Please email Jenny if any of the above links or phone numbers do not work, and contact Mr. Wathen if you are struggling for ideas or would like to add ideas to this list.
You can also leave a comment below if you have something to add. Do you know of another organization that could use some volunteers? Do you have any other ideas for helping our students give back to our community? Your creativity is appreciated!
SLO Classical Academy is not affiliated with any of the above mentioned businesses.