Magical Moments: The Melodrama - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Magical Moments: The Melodrama

{Ava and Sia, photo by Cozy Faber}

This week's Magical Moment was sent in by Cozy Faber. Cozy and her husband Jeff have two daughters, Ava and Sia, both in Lower Middle School. This is their 6th year at SLOCA and Cozy is also our Development Director. Today she shares with us a memorable experience they recently had:

A few weekends ago we were regaled with the humor and talent of the Great American Melodrama in Oceano.  Really a fantastic show, a fun family night and a great value for your dollar—I highly recommend you go see it.  The theater is small and intimate, the performers quite skilled and the show very entertaining.  In this venue the last thing I expected was to be  “wowed” by the education my kids are receiving at SLOCA!

We were sitting in the audience, eating a very large bucket of popcorn, watching the show and one of the actresses made a reference to the battle between Ancient Greece and Troy—about how she was doomed to continual failure just as the Trojans had been.  It was a funny line, well timed, properly placed and even if you didn’t have any idea of what Troy and Greece were, you would still have “ha ha’ed “ at what was said.  However, if you did understand the reference, well the line was REALLY funny.  Because of their studies at SLOCA when they were in second grade, both of my girls understood the reference and really participated in the laugh.   

The second moment of “aha, I love SLOCA” happened when two of the characters were having an argument on stage.  One of them was not particularly skilled in the activity and was grasping at straws to win the point.  Ava leaned over to me and with a nudge of her shoulder and a confident nod of her head told me “that’s a slippery slope argument he’s making!”  Not only could she observe the failings of this character’s intellectual capacity, she could identify, classify and communicate it as well.

As the show was wrapping up the troupe of actors performed a kind of musical revue.  They wound in and out of characters, changing between decades and centuries using song as their conduit.  One character they took on was Don Quixote—a very funny song, with a very funny hat sung in a very funny voice.  The only thing that made it even funnier was if you understood the reference to windmills—and the kids sure did!  They were able to digest these references in the way the author had intended. 

Connections happen to us everywhere, right?  Our kids see things that the link back to school and because of the nature of SLOCA we are able to pick up on these observations and expand upon them—this is one of the many things that people love about our school.  After a night at the Melodrama with a foundation of history and literature beneath them, I really appreciated the decision my husband I made to give our girls this particular education.

Thanks for sharing your fun evening with us, Cozy! Watching our kids make those valuable connections is inspiring and rewarding. 

Do you have a magical moment to share with our community? Please email [email protected] and tell us about it!

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