{Grace Wathen and her French “sister” Julie}
Today’s Magical Moment comes from our Associate Director Troy Wathen and his wife Summer, and is yet another testament to the power of poetry. A little while ago Troy shared this quick story with us:
We recently experienced an example of poetry communicating more words than we are able to express. A few weekends ago we talked with our daughter Gracie, who is currently in the Normandy region of France as an exchange student. She had gone for a walk in the forest in France and she said, “It reminded me of that Robert Frost poem I memorized.” Summer and I both had an instant picture in our minds of much more than she could have described in words. It is fun when our ideas are affirmed by our children.
Thank you for sharing, Wathen family! I think many of us just imagined that picture of the snowy woods from Frost’s poem, right? We know Grace is having an amazing experience in France, and we look forward to having her back at SLOCA next year to share her unique perspective!
Do you have a magical moment to share with our community? Please email [email protected] and tell us about it!