Summer 2014: Three Cheers for SLOCA Sports - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Summer 2014: Three Cheers for SLOCA Sports

{photo by Chuck Smith}

Today’s peek into our upcoming school year is all about our growing Athletics program! First, here’s our new Athletics Mission Statement:

The mission of athletics at SLO Classical Academy is to complement our educational model by developing the habits, minds, bodies and character of students in a nurturing and challenging context for all that desire to commit to our programs.

{photo by Michelle Dorman}

Coach David Hazelbeck has been working hard creating sports options for our students. He shares the following message with us about what we can expect in the world of SLOCA athletics this year:

We are very excited about sloCAHS being accepted into CIF, but we are just as excited to see sports grow at the younger ages. This year we plan to offer six sports at the high school level. They will all be junior varsity (JV) level sports. Three of these will be for girls and three for boys. Last year we had our first year of sports for K-8. We are looking forward to expanding on each of these and possibly adding new sports to the program as well.

{photo by Chuck Smith}

One thing that our athletics program needs is plenty of supporters (financial supporters and fans), and good coaches. We would love to have students of all ages support each other, so look for the schedules of each team to be posted in the office throughout the year. We would love to have parents volunteer to coach, especially at the younger levels. If you would like to do this, please contact David Hazlebeck at [email protected].

Below we have listed our plan for each season this year. There will be an * after each team that has a coaching vacancy. If we do not find coaches for these sports, we will not be able to offer them.

{photo by Michelle Dorman}


  • sloCAHS (grades 9-12) will offer JV boy’s cross country and JV girl’s volleyball.
  • SLOCA  (grades K-8) will offer middle school girl’s volleyball* and middle school boy’s cross country.


  • sloCAHS will offer JV boy’s basketball* and JV girl’s soccer.
  • SLOCA will offer basketball at all ages that there is interest. Those include:
  • 6-7 year old co-ed*
  • 8-9 year old boys*
  • 8-9 year old girls*
  • 10-12 year old boys*
  • 10-12 year old girls*
  • 13-14 year old boys*
  • 13-14 year old girls*


  • sloCAHS will offer JV boy’s volleyball and JV girl’s swimming*
  • SLOCA hopes to offer baseball* and softball* for all ages. These teams will play in the SLO little leagues. We plan to expand Ultimate Frisbee from last year. It is our goal to host a league that has games once a week, and possibly even go to a tournament. If we have a tournament team, we may start practices for that in the fall.

Make sure you look for sign-ups for each sport in the office if your student is interested in playing for a SLOCA or sloCAHS team! Sign-ups will be out at least one season in advance (except for the fall which will be out during the first week of school).

Thanks David! We look forward to a excellent year developing the habits, minds, bodies and character of our SLOCA students through athletics.

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