Raising Friends As Well As Funds - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

Semper discentes—always learning together.
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Raising Friends As Well As Funds

{all photos taken from SLOCA’s Flickr site unless otherwise noted}

Happy Monday! We are veering slightly from our usual Monday Magical Moments to discuss what is sure to become a Magical Moment later this week:

As many of you know, our big Fundraising Event of the year is happening THIS Thursday, October 23rd, from 6:30-8:00 pm at the Madonna Expo Center. This exciting (and FREE) evening with award-winning author and medievalist Gary Schmidt will be centered around a very relevant topic that we believe will resonate with many folks in SLO County — the importance of reading WHOLE, great literary works and the unfortunate trend of deconstructing literature in our country. 

{photo by Rachel Neumann}

We know you’ve been hearing a lot about this event, but please keep reading and think about it from a slightly different point of view…

This will be the first time we’ve offered our entire Central Coast community a taste of what makes SLOCA unique and what we have to offer — a chance to show how we value learning together. We regularly come together to educate and inspire our own parents in our SLOCA community (think parent history/literature trainings, Andrew Pudewa, Adam Andrews, Singapore Math training, etc.), and this night will demonstrate our own love of learning to our greater community, in the hopes of educating and inspiring as many others as possible. 

Along with being our main fundraiser of the year, with the goal of generating the funds needed above and beyond tuition to keep our program running strong, this event is also intended to reach another equally-important goal: to raise friends. It’s our desire to reach people with the mission of SLO Classical Academy, communicate the “why” behind what we do, and give people inroads to learning about and connecting with our school.  And we want to invite others to become a part of our learning community! 

You may be thinking that you don't really want to invite people to another fundraiser. We get that. But we encourage you to invite friends and neighbors to this free dessert event, with no expectation to give financially, just so they can hear the message of what our unique school is all about. If you know people whose children go to other schools, invite them! If you have a neighbor or co-worker with grandchildren, invite them! You never know who will be touched by what they see and hear — some may be seeking educational options, while others may be inspired to support our school in some way, or to simply spread the word to others in their circles of influence. 

Support from families, staff, and our greater community is needed to ensure a solid future for SLOCA. Please stand with us to make a lasting impact on those around us and our world. Our heartfelt belief is that SLO Classical Academy offers the best education on the Central Coast, and we want others to experience our school as a community who loves to learn together — semper discentes!

We know that this incredible evening, learning together from Gary Schmidt, will be a powerful testimony to what SLOCA has to offer. Will you invite others to experience it? It's not too late! 

One last time, here are the details:

Date:  Thursday, October 23

Time:  6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

Place:  Madonna Expo Center

Cost:  Free of charge – is a benefit for SLOCA.  It is open the general public so please share!

Click here to RSVP (or share this link).

We will see you there — we look forward to a rich evening of learning together from Gary Schmidt, and showing others what our learning community is all about!

{photo by Rachel Neumann}

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