Friday Faces: Safety Team - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces: Safety Team

Happy Friday! Today we are excited to present our SLO Classical Academy Safety Team! These intrepid people are the smiling faces you see at morning meeting and around our hallways during the day. They help move children and classes around the school and are ones to ask for the location of the Lost & Found carts. Our school would not be the same without their watchful eyes!

What was your favorite hobby you picked up during the pandemic?

David: My favorite hobby I picked up during the pandemic is surfing! I learned how to surf over the summer and had so much fun catching waves and enhancing my skills! I naturally fell in love with the hobby and have multiple surfboards now and love escaping to the beach for a couple of hours to focus on nothing but the waves.

Chris: watercolor painting, accidents on paper becoming windows to ethereal color and form, were helpful in mitigating the stress of the uncharted.

Joan: Family Photo Albums & My Scrapbook

Keifer: My hobby I picked up is doing DIY projects, like building a fire pit or a building a long board and etc. I pick this up because it was fun to do and affordable.

Kary: Hmmmm…not sure if its a hobby but I hired a personal trainer to learn the basics of weight training and improve my health; from there I found some resources to continue at home independently. I’m amazed how much better I feel and now it one of the things I prioritize on my to-do list.

If you could be any Roman or Greek god/goddess which one would you be?

David: I would be the Greek God Poseidon as I feel drawn to the ocean and like to think that the beach is my happy place. I also think it would be really cool to breathe underwater and control the water around me.

Chris: Bacchus/Dionysus, I dig the ecstatic.

Joan: Aphrodite – goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation

Keifer: Zeus because he is the god of the sky and the protector of humans and gods.

Kary: Oh that’s a slam dunk: Iris! I absolutely love rainbows, and when I first read about Iris alongside my then Primary homeschooler, she’s always been my favorite. She was primarily a messenger with the ability to bridge the Greek heavens, oceans and earth. Here’s a brief description of Iris: In Ancient Greece, Iris was the Goddess of the Rainbow, and according to most ancient sources, Iris was the daughter of the river god Thaumas, and his partner, the Oceanid Electra. The rainbow was of course a sign of the movement of the goddess, and an obvious link between heaven and earth, but Iris was also depicted with golden colored wings that allowed her to all areas of the cosmos. As such, Iris could travel to the bottom of the oceans, and also the depths of Hades’ realm, quicker than any other god.

My first job was…

David: A telemarketing job for a magazine

Chris: Scalping concert tickets!

Joan: Working at the Coronet Store in Van Nuys, CA

Keifer: Volunteer at the fire house.

Kary: Ironing shirts for my neighbors. For some reason I loved ironing then, and still do today.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

David: I would pick my superpower to be able to fly because it has always been a dream of mine. It would be so cool to feel the wind in my face and travel anywhere I wanted at any time. I would even fly with groups of birds because I feel like that would be a surreal experience.

Chris: The power to overcome any and all obstacles in the pursuit of SLOCA expanding its campus to whatever size it needs now and in the future!

Joan: The power to live forever….so I can follow my family members through life

Keifer: Travel through time and space because I can go anywhere in the past, present or future. I would be able to same amazing places and meet a variety of people.

Kary: Definitely time travel. I love history, and there are so many events I would love to witness, such as Michelangelo working on the Pieta, or listening to St. Francis of Assisi preaching in the town square, Charlotte Bronte writing Jane Eyre… endless possibilities.

Thank you for your responses Safety Team! It is great to find out more about our community – especially the cute baby photos!

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