Welcome to the first month of our Character Issue series! An essential part of SLOCA’s mission statement is to be a community that forges character. While we are always endeavoring to nurture strong character traits in our students through great literature, classroom discussions in various subjects, and guidance within individual families, as a school we also focus on a monthly character trait. This month we are reviewing the Character Trait: Responsibility.

Each month we will introduce the character trait of the month and offer insight into how we can be “forging” that trait at home. This will include inspirational quotes, discussion prompts, and activities to help you engage in meaningful conversations with your family about these traits. To “forge” means “to form, with a concentrated effort.” Character does not just happen. We are responsible for nurturing and cultivating these traits in our students and ourselves. Check your parent packet for a list of the character traits and the month they will be highlighted. You’ll find a definition as well as a helpful and easy-to-memorize catchphrase.
Responsibility: Basing decisions on practical wisdom and good sense, being dependable in carrying out commitments and duties, and being accountable for one’s words, behavior and actions. Catch phrase: Think before you act; finish what you begin; take responsibility for yourself.
Forging Responsibility:
Here are some discussion prompts and ideas. Use them as a jumping-off point to help you nurture responsibility at home.
- The SLOCA definition of responsibility is jam-packed. Start by breaking it down with your students. Make sure they understand words like “dependable” and “accountable”. For younger students, it might be best to just start by discussing the catchphrase. Ask them what does it mean to “think before you act”? How can they practice that?
- What kind of responsibilities does your student have; chores, homeschool, pets, etc.? Make a list; this can help them to see that even kids have responsibilities.
- Ask them if they consider themselves dependable. What can they do to be more so or how can you help them/support them?
- Why is it important to finish what you begin?
- What does it look like to take responsibility for yourself?
- Where does one get “practical wisdom and good sense”?
- Acknowledge/identify when you see your kids being responsible. “Thank you for cleaning out your lunch box.” or “You got that assignment done before you went to play. That was very responsible of you.”
Each month on Down Home we will also have the printouts in color and black and white. We would love to see these displayed in your space at home or colored in! Email [email protected] to share.
To print out your own copy click here. To print out the black and white version click here.