Monday Mix-in's | King Arthur + The Islamic Empire - SLO Classical Academy
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Monday Mix-in’s | King Arthur + The Islamic Empire

Happy Monday! Over the grayer than normal weekend our family watched some old classics – Robin Hood and The Sword in the Stone – on Disney+. While I(Wei) would normally wait till we finish reading aloud T.H. White’s Sword in the Stone, it has helped our Intermediate student stay interested while we read to our Middle Schooler. It has been interesting to field questions about things that were acceptable in the *ahem* 60’s and 70’s! Today we have a couple of resources on the Islamic Empire and also some movie suggestions for that Fall weather that is creeping into our days. As always, please preview before sharing with your students.

Our Latin word for this week is mittere, which means to send. Root words commonly found in English -mitt, -miss, as in admit, omit, commit.

Resource Links:

Gregorian Chants | Listen to an audio sample.

King Arthur for Kids | Read all about the great British hero.

Parts of an Armor | Explore the parts of an armor with this coloring page.

Main Division in Islam | An article on the differences between Sunni and the Shiite Muslims (more information under the short video).

The Spread of Islam | Khan Academy (sign up for a free account if you don’t have one)

The Rise and Fall of the Islamic Empire | Ted Ed

Movie Suggestions:

(Parents, please always preview first before sharing with your students.)

  • Camelot (1967) G | The three-hour musical many of you may remember | Description: A majestic romance set in the days of yore starring Richard Harris as King Arthur with Vanessa Redgrave as the beautiful Queen. Franco Nero co-stars as Lancelot, the classic knight in shining armor.
  • Quest for Camelot (1998) G | Animated | Description: A strong-willed girl sets out on a dangerous quest to retrieve King Arthur’s magical sword, save Camelot, and earn her place among the Knights of the Round Table
  • The Secret of the Kells (2009) TV-PG | Animated | Description: When Vikings attack an Irish abbey, the young nephew of an abbott must brave an enchanted forest to complete work on a legendary book. (May be scary for younger children.)
  • The Knights of the Round Table (1953) NR | Description: The legend of King Arthur comes alive in this Oscar-nominated picture starring Ava Gardner as Lady Guinevere, Robert Taylor as Sir Lancelot and Mel Ferrer as the noble King Arthur.
  • The Princess Bride (1987) PG | Definitely a favorite family movie to watch for this time period! | Description: Based on William Goldman’s novel of the same name, The Princess Bride is staged as a book read by grandfather (Peter Falk) to his ill grandson (Fred Savage). Falk’s character assures a romance-weary Savage that the book has much more to deliver than a simpering love story, including but not limited to fencing, fighting, torture, death, true love, giants, and pirates.
  • Monty Python and The Holy Grail (1975) PG | Of course no collection of Middle Ages movies would be complete without this classic. You can rent the entire movie on Amazon, or search YouTube for specific funny scenes for younger kids.

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