Friday Faces | Safety Team + Athletics - SLO Classical Academy
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San Luis Obispo Classical Academy San Luis Obispo Classical Academy

Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces | Safety Team + Athletics

Welcome to another installment of our Friday Faces series! This week, we have a smattering of our beloved Safety Team + Athletics Coaches for you to meet. We so appreciate the way these folks keep our kids safe and active!

Share a photo of yourself so we can connect your name with your face!

What did you recently read, and what did you take away from it?

Eden: I recently finished The Dictionary of Lost Words. The story gives the reader a look into the creation of the Oxford Dictionary and shows us the importance of words and language in a creative and memorable way.

Kimberly: The last book I read was Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. The takeaway for me personally was how important family is and how you would do anything to protect them, blood or not.

Erin: Doing Life With Your Adult Children by Jim Burns. My takeaway is that I’m not ready to have my daughter away at college.?

Kary: I recently read Sigrid Undset’s biography of St. Catherine of Siena. I was fascinated that this obscure child in Medieval Europe, mostly illiterate, would become one of the most influential and revered mystics of the Catholic faith, and become the first female “Doctor of the Church”. Biggest takeaway: Catherine’s sole focus was uniting her heart with God’s in a most profound, humble, and intimate Union. In her quest, she assisted people from all walks of life—from the simplest peasants to politicians and Popes—to reconcile themselves to God. Hugely inspiring.

John: The book The Big Ones by Dr. Lucy Jones. My biggest takeaway was that despite the obvious dread and loss of life that follows in the wake of natural disasters, some pretty remarkable things often get overshadowed by all the misery and dread. Things like solidarity and compassion. The celebration of life that is and once was. Human beings coming together to persevere. It’s all just powerful stuff and inspires us to be the best version of ourselves when the times call.

Sarah: I recently read Where the Crawdads Sing and it was such a great book! My takeaway from it was that you should come back to the people that are important to you.

Skip: Always love reading the British poet Wendy Cope. Making Cocoa for Kingsley Amis is her debut, and I’ve just re-read it for the first time in years. It’s a fantastic reminder that even very old poetic forms can sound incredibly fresh and modern. Most readers wouldn’t even know they are reading forms that are hundreds of years old.

Cassidy: I recently read Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi. My takeaway was to be present in every moment because we can’t go back to relive the past.

Zeke: The Count of Monte Cristo. My takeaway: what an absolutely insane time that was in French society! Plus, the determination of Edmond Dante for revenge + his intricate plans to enact it.

How long have you been/worked at SLOCA?

Eden: I have been at SLOCA since the beginning of this school year.

Kimberly: 3 months

Erin: I have been a Sloca parent for 13 years. This is my 4th year working on Safety team.

Eric: Five months

Kary: This is my 9th year working at SLOCA, and my 11th year as a SLOCA parent.

Joshua: This is my first year here

John: Since April 2022

Sarah: This fall season was my first time working at SLOCA 🙂

Skip: 4th year as a parent, 2nd as a basketball coach.

Cassidy: 4 months

Rory: 1 year

Zeke: I graduated from SLOCA in 2020 and have been coaching here for 3 years.

Share a photo from the past year and describe why it is special to you…

Eden: This is a picture of Culbertson Lake which is our favorite place to go in the summer! Our family meets here every weekend and we hike, paddle board, play games, and eat good food!

Erin: Our first visit to UCDavis to visit Amea.

Kary: It’s was an extremely challenging year, but my daughter and my husband are the lights of my life…and this picture just warms my heart.

Kimberly: What is special about the photo shared was I was given the opportunity to see my favourite artist, Harry Styles. His music has played a big role and inspiration in my life. I drove to LA for the first time to go see him and it was an adventure I will never forget!

Eric: I love the sunrises from my house!

Joshua: The moment I asked my best friend to marry me!:) woohooooo

Cassidy: It’s a picture of my family and I in Costa Rica. I enjoyed exploring Tamarindo with my siblings.

Zeke: My and my buddy watching an amazing sunset in shell beach while sitting cliff side

Skip: It’s hard for us to get that many family photos with all of us in it and looking at the camera, so this was automatically a favorite. Bonus one of my favorite paintings by my wife Timshel is in the background on the wall.

Rory: This photo was taken at our first-ever playoff appearance against Santa Clarita Christian. Joe Moore is demolishing a defender with a stiff arm. Super proud of the team for making the playoffs in our first year of existence.

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