Friday Faces: Little Wonders - SLO Classical Academy
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Welcome to Down Home, San Luis Obispo Classical Academy’s blog! We are a classical school offering several options to make our education work for families with infants through high schoolers. Our signature hybrid program, which is part-time classroom and part-time home instruction, provides an engaging education for preschool through middle school (with full time options available). We also have a university model high school. This blog is meant to support and encourage on the home front because, in so many ways, the heart of what happens at SLO Classical Academy happens down home.

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Friday Faces: Little Wonders

Happy Friday! Today for Friday Faces we are introducing our Little Wonders team. These lovely ladies teach in our Preschool and Kindergarten classes, and probably get the most hugs on campus!

What was your favorite childhood book and why?

Alanna: “Tinker and Tom and the Starbaby” has always been one of my favorite books! It is so majestic and imaginative. The illustration had such depth, with every scene taking place under a night sky, I could stare at the book for hours. Looking at it now, it reminds me so much of the adventurous imagination that filled childhood.

Brittaney: My favorite early childhood book was The Teeny Tiny Teacher. I remember hearing the story read to me and always having a big laugh. I now read it to my daughter and understand why I thought it was so funny as a child– it is an absolute tongue twister for adults to read and just a fun story!

Karen: I loved the Madeline stories by Ludwig Bemelmans. I believe that I was taken by the first few lines of the book, “In an old house in Paris that was covered in vines…”

Michele: My favorite book to be read aloud was, There’s a Monster at the End of This Book. Silly Grover didn’t realize he was the monster AND I could break a brick wall by turning the page. It was awesome every time! My favorite book to read to myself was, The One in the Middle Is the Green Kangaroo. Judy Blume totally got what it was like to be the middle child.

If you could be any Roman or Greek god/goddess which one would you be? 

Alanna: Athena – goddess of wisdom, reasoning, and intelligence! She’s popular and for good reason. Athena is known to be fierce but reasonable, a warrior for justice and righteousness, and a beautiful personification of divine femininity. She has such innate power and represents the might of intellect and femininity. As an academic and an activist, her knowledge and her ferocity inspire me!

Brittaney: I would be Aphrodite. Since I studied Greek mythology in school, I always loved this goddess. I have always been a very loving soul and fueled by love and loved ones. I believe this goddess is the best embodiment of love and so I would LOVE to be her!

Karen: If I could be any Greek goddess, I think that I would choose, Hestia. She was the domestic goddess of the home. Her life seemed a little less…complicated than most of the other gods and goddesses.

Michele: I would like to be Amphictyonis. The goddess of wine and friends sounds delightful.


What did you want to be when you ‘grew up’? 

Alanna: I recently looked back at my kindergarten scrapbook and, 4-year-old me wanted to be a dance teacher. Most importantly though, I really wanted to have a double life as a super spy.

Brittaney: I always wanted to be a teacher! I would always say that I could never have enough children of own, so each year I would get a new class of students! I have always loved being a nurturer and now I get to nurture young minds.

Karen: I wanted to be a teacher or a mom.

Michele: I wanted to work for Hanna-Barbera. I wanted to draw and make super cool cartoons.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

Alanna: I want to be able to fly just so I could constantly experience that freeing feeling of flight! I love cliff jumping, parasailing, and ziplines (and trying to skydive soon!) – that flying feeling is the best.

Brittaney: I would love the ability to breathe underwater. The ocean amazes me and I would love to be able to explore it more or even live in the ocean! To be surrounded by water is the dream.

Karen: If I could have any superpower, I would want either speed or an awesome memory. My family would probably choose an awesome memory for me.

Michele: Teleportation. Travel would be awesome and fast. You could get out of any situation quickly.

Thank you Little Wonders for taking the time to share a little bit about yourself with our community! Check back next week for our Tiny Wonders Friday Faces.

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